News & Articles

FREE Educational Webinars

FREE Educational Webinars

I know that there is an overabundance of meetings and webinars on Zoom, GoTo Meetings, Microsoft Teams, and other virtual mediums - seems like i get several invitations every day to all sorts of meetings - whether I have any interest or not. But since face-to-face...

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Have you ever purchased something with certain expectations, only to find that they either exceeded what you thought you bought, or were disappointed in the purchase? And sometimes we think that certain things are similar when in fact they are different – either...

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Maximize Cash Flow And Only Pay For What You Need

Maximize Cash Flow And Only Pay For What You Need

Like Liberty Mutual’s car insurance advertising – “only pay for what you need” – would you like to maximize cash flow and free up funds for other needs? Would you like to eliminate those expenses charged by an insurance company that you really don’t need? Your health...

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Evaluating Your Health Plan Is Easy

Evaluating Your Health Plan Is Easy

Let’s agree on the obvious: businesses are trying to survive in many different ways from the effects of COVID 19 - financially, administratively, safety protocols, health of employees, etc. The survival of the business requires a great deal of focus on the immediate...

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Would You Like To Maximize Cash Flow?

Would You Like To Maximize Cash Flow?

Cash flow is extremely important for any business, but it’s not always maximized to the extent it could be. Whether this is a matter of maximizing cash flow in day-to-day operations, payroll, or capital improvements, this is especially true with health insurance. If...

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Five Areas To Examine Within Your Self-Funded Plan

Employers and brokers can occasionally get complacent with their renewals and accept whatever rate increases handed down to them, particularly if they view the increase as “not that significant.” However, those annual renewals that are deemed to be rather...

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